
Saturday, 31 March 2012

March 31st

Help from Kitchener arrived early this morning to begin framing the pulpit area, and digging the trench for the upgraded water service. It is exciting to see the sanctuary taking shape. That is the most complete area so far. The walls are ready to be primed and painted. The baptismal should arrive this week, and then the pulpit area can be finished...if the HVAC permit is granted, inspected and approved this week. Please pray!

Sunday, 25 March 2012

update & prayer request

The mudding and taping and sanding contunies. 

 The kitchen plumbing permit came in, so that is being finished. 
Hopefully the floor can be re-poured this week.

Refinishing of the pieces for the pulpit.

Special prayer request:
We are still waiting on the permit for the HVAC. There were certain revisions that had to be made... which delayed the permit, and now the "Inside Workers" may go on strike. Please pray that our permit is issued this week so that it doesn't delay our schedule any further than it has already.

Thanks for being faithful supporters in prayer and financial support. The enormity of this project would have been impossible without all the love and support we have received. 
Please join us in prayer for our congregation; especially our coordinator, contractor, general laborers/volunteers and their families, during this final stage of our renovation project. 

May we all soon be able to rejoice together in the completed building.
Looking forward to that day!

Thursday, 15 March 2012

New Front Door

The front door was installed today. What a big difference it makes in the over all look of the building! Exciting changes! The front pad is also poured now.

Saturday, 3 March 2012

March 3, 2012

Weekend after weekend, volunteers come from far and near to join in our project. What a blessing!

We have been blessed with decent weather lately, so the front entryway pad has been built and the window wells put in place to aid with site drainage.

The front door installation will begin after the completion of the concrete pad.

 The drywall installation continues during the week, with the mudding to begin this week. Most of the upper level is drywalled, and the vapor barrier is being installed in the basement.

Today, many hands (and backs!) aided in digging the trenches in the basement floor for the sump line. Messy, wet work...but they were rewarded with a delicious lunch! Thanks again ladies for working in the kitchen too!

Bucket by bucket, filling concrete bins. This is our third at least (or maybe fourth) concrete bin!  Many many buckets-worth...thanks especially to our young men!

The benches are now all beautifully stained, 
but the sanctuary was sealed off from the dust from the concrete work. 
Pictures will hopefully follow this week! 

God Bless.