
Saturday, 19 November 2011

Nov. 19, 2011

The Lord blessed us with another beautiful fall day! The sun was shining, and the labourers were many again. We didn't get as far as we had hoped on the sealing of the foundation in the front, but the workers have made a considerable "dent" in the interior. During the week, some volunteers unscrewed the benches and moved them together, demolished the pulpit area, and removed the sub floor of rooms beside pulpit area. They filled the 2nd bin, and had a stack that filled the 3rd bin within hours this morning! The fourth bin is now being filled. 

We began to strip the old finish from the benches, and after trying chemical strippers, decided that sanding was going to be the better way to do the 30 or so benches. Sanding will continue this week, hopefully with the addition of a few more orbital sanders!

"Thanks" doesn't seem to be enough to show the gratitude we have for all of our volunteers. We certianly appreciate the time (and equipment) and energy it takes to come, some from  over 1 hour away, to help. We would not be able to do this on our own. May the Lord be your rich rewarder.

Here is the work done in the sanctuary. It looks like we are going from order to disorder...but the end result should be well worth the effort. Singing already sounds great in the sactuary, and we look forward to when we fill the benches and sing "Now Thank We All Our God".

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