
Monday, 30 January 2012

January 28th

Sanctuary Windows are in (except a few small ones) and they look very nice! It's hard to tell, since the air is filled with dust...thanks to the bench sanding!
Basement windows are also mostly installed. It changes the light, with out those red metal screens!

All the walls on the sanctuary level are being insulated now. The sound is already noticeably less! What a difference it will make to have drywall and insulation instead of the exposed block walls!

Volunteers from far and near are still willing to come help!
We are so appreciative of the support and love we have been shown thus far in our project.
The pulpit wall stone is complete.

Check back for updates! Now is when the visible progress will begin to happen.

It is a blessing to see the project take shape like this...and be reminded that just as building this house of God has taken many hands and many hours, the body of Christ is built with labours of love and, many different kinds of willing individuals.

Friday, 27 January 2012

Mid-week progress!!

Thanks to a few hard workers that came during the last 2 weeks...we went from this:

To this:
(We'll take better pictures tomorrow with the scaffolding out of the way... 
but I was too excited to wait!)

And the windows are being installed, should be done by next Wednesday! 
What a difference that will make!

Tomorrow's work will be concrete work for the ducting, sanding benches, 
and more wiring down stairs at least.

Join us on Sunday at 274 for our Farewell, or Feb. 5th for the last area sing in our old church...
Lord willing, by the next time our turn rolls around, we'll be able to host everyone in our new church! Singing will be wonderful!!! Praise God!

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

January 21, 2012

The stone behind the pulpit area is going up with the help and expertise from Ohio and Kitchener!

 Electrical work continues, along with HVAC planning.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

January 14, 2012

Progress continues, and things are taking shape. It is exciting to start to see more progress and less mess...even though there is still a mess! Insulation is starting to be installed. After the electrical inspection, more of the walls will be insulated.

Bench refinishing continues with help all the way from Windsor.

We are often overwhelmed by the support from far and near. The love and generosity of the brotherhood is such a blessing.
 Hard hats are available if someone forgets their own.
 New lintels and doorframes for all the doors.

Washroom walls are framed now, over the newly poured concrete floors.

Saturday, 7 January 2012

January 7, 2011

Judging by the workers' apparel, you'd never guessed it is January! The Lord is blessing us with good working conditions again!

Design, Electrical, Masonry, Plumbing, & Gravel – one bucket at a time.  It's coming along...

Thanks again to the volunteers from Kitchener who came to work on the wiring.

Please pray for our submission of revisions to the plans: that the return from the city will be speedy, and the renovations can continue.

May God bless everyone involved in this project: from the ladies making the meals, the young people spending their Saturdays working with us, the volunteers from TO and surrounding churches, to the people who have donated wisdom, time & finances.

Friday, 6 January 2012

Beams, Blocks, and Bathrooms

The work continues even during the week... This was what was accomplished this week.
Work starts again tomorrow at 8:00 am:
Electrical work, plumbing work, and benches to name a few things going on.
Please bring hard hats and safety is a construction site.

Monday, 2 January 2012

January 2, 2012

Thanks to the volunteers today (more than 30!) from Ancaster, Kitchener, Ohio & Toronto, much work was accomplished today.

Kitchen expansion into adjoining pantry area. 

Barrier Free washroom in foyer being framed. Trenches for plumbing.

Please join us in prayer...
We are 8 weeks into the project...and our move in date is roughly 6 weeks away. 
Please pray for unity of vision and concentration of efforts. Pray for renewing of spirit and body for the laborers, and the support workers. Pray for the speed and efficiency of the construction and installation, and the safety of the workers.
Pray that in the end, God will be glorified, and all will be blessed, and continue to be blessed as we worship together in the new building.


It was wonderful to see volunteers willing to come on New Year's eve to help! Some are even able to stay into 2012 to work!

The framing at the front of the sanctuary is completed for now.
The pulpit area will wait for a bit, to allow the skyjack more maneuverability for the lighting installation.
Many thanks to the ladies also, for providing such delicious meals and coffee breaks!

 Bench sanding continues... getting down to the final check & recheck before preparing to stain... once the dust clears in the sanctuary! We are certainly going to appreciate those benches in the end! It is a wonderful experience to have personally invested your time and effort into something lasting and useful!

Beam installation in the washrooms.